Thursday, August 12, 2010


Walking up to the yard the 10 year old is jammin' in the middle of the circle. Moving in ways that I only dream of moving in, I have entered a world of rhythm and fluidity to which I am not quite culturally sensitive. I am chosen to enter into the mix, moving rhythmically as best I can...all the kids laughing so hysterically that they can hardly continue singing the song. Luckily, I have no shame whatsoever, because if I don't get over my embarrassment today, it is going to be a very long year.

Basically, I love to dance and will never be as beautiful nor as slamming as these kids. Till next time. peace


  1. you are awesome! and happy birthday my dear! i've been thinking about you a lot lately! hope the transition is going well...sounds good! love you!

  2. Good think you took Danza Africana in Chile to prepare you a bit!
